Volvo: Race The Sun

26 Million Unique Visitors.
6.6 Million Total Live Streams.
3.8 Million CNN Live Video Views.
2.8 Million Facebook 360 Views.

A Volvo launch that’s also the most watched live VR event in history.

Volvo needed to break the traditional perceptions of it’s brand and re-launch a modern, technology-focused brand. To do this, we turned the solar eclipse into a viewing experience for anyone, anywhere using future tech. Race The Sun is the first ever 4K VR livestream that broke the limits of production at the time.

We put 4 Volvo XC60s in the path of totality.

Strapped with 4K 360 cameras, anyone in the country can watch the eclipse with the help of the new Volvo XC60. This technology was proving challenging to source. CNN came through at the end and we partnered with them for production and media.

A sci-fi author, astronaut, explorer, and Egyptologist drove the cars and offered commentary as viewers experienced the eclipse.

Production, Media, & Agency: CNN & Courageous Studios

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